但實際上玉帶鳳蝶翅上的斑紋是由一個叫做doublesex的超基因(supergene)所控制。早在50-60年前Clarke和Sheppard就發表多篇報告(Clarke and Sheppard,1960; Clarke et al., 1968; Clarke and Sheppard, 1972),透過雜交實驗,提出玉帶鳳蝶等鳳蝶翅上的斑紋調控基因是個超基因,至2014年科學家才找到這是由一個叫做doublesex的超基因(Krushnamegh et al., 2014),而2015年則又有一篇報告指出玉帶鳳蝶擬態型的出現是doublesex的基因序列倒轉所導致(Hideki et al., 2015)。
參考文獻: C. A. Clarke, Philip Macdonald Sheppard (1960) Super-gene and mimicry. Heredity, 14: 175-185.
C. A. Clarke, Philip Macdonald Sheppard, I. W. B. Thornton (1968) The genetics of the mimetic butterfly Papilio memnon L. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 254: 37-89.
C. A. Clarke, Philip Macdonald Sheppard (1972) The genetics of the mimetic butterfly Papilio polytes L. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 263: 431-458.
Krushnamegh Kunte, Wei Zhang, Robert D. Reed, Sean P Mullen (2014) Doublesex is a mimicry supergene. Nature, 507: 229-232.
Toshio Sekimura, Yuta Fujihashi, Yasuhiro Takeuchi (2014) A model for population dynamics of the mimetic butterfly Papilio polytes in Sakishima Islands, Japan. Journal of theoretical biology, 361: 133-140.