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Hi Joe,w xJ~
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ "
Sorry, I was so busy because of the preparation for participation to the annual meeting for Japanese neuroscience, and there was no time toT;S
translate the rearing manual for Dorcus titanus ssp. in Japanese toO
English, completely.UNOykV
In my opinion, D.t. sika in Taiwan is the same species D.t.pilifer in@(
So, the following method will be useful for rearing large one.z4EBs
¥L»{¬°¥xÆWªºªü«ó¸ò¤é¥»ªºD. titanus pilifer¬Oªñ½t ©Ò¥H¤U¦C¬O¾i¥X¤j«¬Ma7:x
¤é¥»ªü«óªº§@ªk ´£¨Ñ°Ñ¦Ò=x/nf
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ U|$
If you can understand Japanese language a little, please refer the page~eh|2
¦¹½g°Ñ¦Ò¤åÄm«Ü¤£¿ù ¦pªG§A¬Ý±oÀ´¤@¨Ç¤é¤åªº¸Ü¥i¥H¤W¥h¬Ý¬ÝdzM
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©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ &I-P
This page documented the procedure for the nutrient-rich flakes.tD
You have to prepare the following items:`vaca
(1) the flakes(¤ì®h) which is from some kind of broad leaf trees, for example Quercus (Japanese "Kunugi")(¤¤¤å«ü"òR¤ì")i-$>4
We can obtained from the raw and dead woods, and flakes from farmer orlJ
some insect shops. The quality is the key for success, but I can notf}b
express the words.¥Í¤ì®h©M¦´¤ì®h¥i¥H¥h¶R ¤£¹L¨ä«~½è¬O¦¨¥\ªºÃöÁäsD47%
We blended 30% (vol) of flakes from row woods and 70% (vol) dead woods{pXy/C
before the further fermentation. ¥Î30%(Åé¿n¦Ê¤À¤ñ)ªº¥ÍòR¤ì®h©M70%ªº¦´òR¤ì®hX|&@*
(2) Mix together 0.35 volume of Wheat germ and  0.5 volume of Wheat with  10 volume of flakes. §â3.5%ªº¤p³Á­FªÞ©M5%ªº¤p³Á¯»¥[¤J½Õ¦nªº¤ì®h¤¤²V©M.$
(3) Add water only a little. ¥[¤@ÂI¤ô ¦U¤H«Øij¥[10%ªº¤ô §Y10¤½¤É¤ì®h¥[1¤½¤Éªº¤ôXL;g
(4) Put them into the container, the mixed flakes will start the~cl^&u
fermentation. ±N²V¦X¦nªº§÷®Æ¸m©ó®e¾¹¤¤¶}©lµo»ÃE_vov
(5) The temperature will be up to 40 or more degrees for C.?wq[T
¤@¶}©l·Å«×·|°ª©óÄá¤ó40«×©Î§ó°ª ¦b³o¸ÌªÈ¥¿¤@¤U¤é¥»¤Í¤Hªº¤åªk:L
³o¥yÀ³¸Ó¼g¦¨"The temperature will be raised up to 40 centigrade degree or more."*^o^*KXg=Z9
©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ g]d
(6) In the case of Dorcus curvidens, we could rear them in thisB^#S
condition (high temperature), but larvae of the Dorcus titanus died.!EAlB
¤é¤j¥i¥H¦b°ª·Å¹}¾i ¥i¬Oªü«ó·|±¾±¼=M{Y
So, after finishing the fermentation, you have to put larvae intoX,;'?
the nutrient rich flakes into separated bottles in each.u}
(7) The mechanisms of the fermentation in this process is unclear, but I~@Kl@
think the natural Yeast will function in the process and it may produceH
some kinds of amino acid or some organic materials.9Yv
µo»Ãªº¾÷¨î¥Ø«eÁÙ¤£¬O«Ü²M·¡ ¦ý¤ÑµMªº»Ã¥Àµß·|¦Û¤v¶i¦æ³o¨Ç§@¥Î ²£¥Í¤@¨ÇÓi°ò»Ä©M<^q+qc
¦³¾÷ª«½èA 3Pk@
There are so many important things for rearing Dorcus titanus, but I can not say only in a word.4#8W,h
I hope you are success for making flakes and for rearing large DorcusnT
titanus sika.st}A}6
¥L»¡¨ä¹êÁÙ¦³¤@¨ÇªF¦è¤£¬O¥Î¼gªº´N¥i¥HÁ¿±o«Ü²M·¡, §Æ±æ§Ú¯à¦¨¥\¦a¾i¥X>6fI_
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2. 5°¦¥Î¦Aµo»Ãíuµß¥](_
3. 5°¦¥Î²K¥[µo»Ã¤ì®h:µL²K¥[µo»Ã¤ì®h=1:17.
4. 5°¦¥ÎòR¤ì®hqgu
³Ì¤jªº¬O¥Î1ªk 5.5g ¦n¹³¤£¬O«Ü¤j...|Y%e,D
2ªk¬Ý°_¨Ó¤£¿ù ¤]¦³4.5g...Hi
³o¼ËÀ³¸Ó¤£ºâ¤j§a ªü«ó¤@¤G¤TÄÖ¦U·|¦³¦h¤[°Ú?N
4ªk¨ì¥Ø«eÁÙ¦b¤GÄÖ ¥i¯à¬O¤Ó°®ªºÃö«Y§aQ)"Ll
¤£¹Lªü«ó¥®¤£¥i¥H¤Ó·Ã ¤£¤Ó­@·ÃªºÂÎ\6Q
³o­Ó¤é¥»¤H¥sKazuhiro E. Fujimori#cD
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)fW;}C
Division for Human Life Technology(d#Yn
Neuronics Research Group}

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