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nhqq' http://www.mars.dti.ne.jp/~k-sugano/bakamono_web/index2.html)%9\ (³oÓ¯¸«Ü¤£¿ù ¤j®a¥i¥H¥h¬Ý¬Ý ¤£¹L³£¬O¤é¤åªº...)TG% ½Ð±Ð¥L¤ì®hµo»Ãªº°ÝÃD ¥L«Ü¼ö¤ß¦a§i¶D§Ú¤F¤@¨Ç°t¤èM}\) ¨ä¹ê¤]¨S¤°»ò°t¤è°Õ ¥u¬O»¡ªü«ó¥i¥H¸ÕµÛ¾i¾i¬Ýv]jq} emailì¤å¦p¤U:a9!+ -----------------------------------------------> Hi Joe,(0? ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ VC+ Sorry, I was so busy because of the preparation for participation to the annual meeting for Japanese neuroscience, and there was no time to% translate the rearing manual for Dorcus titanus ssp. in Japanese to]ZF[b English, completely.Psp+92 ....¤W±¬O¨Ç´H·yªº¸Ü¥i¥H¤£ºÞ¥LxP In my opinion, D.t. sika in Taiwan is the same species D.t.pilifer iny\Y Japan.9Ub So, the following method will be useful for rearing large one.[X* ¥L»{¬°¥xÆWªºªü«ó¸ò¤é¥»ªºD. titanus pilifer¬Oªñ½t ©Ò¥H¤U¦C¬O¾i¥X¤j«¬'%oe ¤é¥»ªü«óªº§@ªk ´£¨Ñ°Ñ¦Ò$g ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ 4 If you can understand Japanese language a little, please refer the pageR http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~dh7k-sgn/BAKA-9810/kyoi.htmS:Z>q- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^O,Tmc9 ¦¹½g°Ñ¦Ò¤åÄm«Ü¤£¿ù ¦pªG§A¬Ý±oÀ´¤@¨Ç¤é¤åªº¸Ü¥i¥H¤W¥h¬Ý¬ÝJ2!b; ¦pªG¦³þ¦ì¤j¤j¥i¥H½Ķ ¨º¬O¦A¦n¤]¤£¹L¤F{EJX(% ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ P4T0' This page documented the procedure for the nutrient-rich flakes.wc&+`^ You have to prepare the following items:X%p?G (1) the flakes(¤ì®h) which is from some kind of broad leaf trees, for example Quercus (Japanese "Kunugi")(¤¤¤å«ü"òR¤ì")pP We can obtained from the raw and dead woods, and flakes from farmer or4\2do? some insect shops. The quality is the key for success, but I can notai_& express the words.¥Í¤ì®h©M¦´¤ì®h¥i¥H¥h¶R ¤£¹L¨ä«~½è¬O¦¨¥\ªºÃöÁä:SmtJQ We blended 30% (vol) of flakes from row woods and 70% (vol) dead woodsl before the further fermentation. ¥Î30%(Åé¿n¦Ê¤À¤ñ)ªº¥ÍòR¤ì®h©M70%ªº¦´òR¤ì®h!oZ8<0 ²V¦X¥Î¥H±µ¤U¨Ón¶i¦æªºµo»Ã§@¥În# (2) Mix together 0.35 volume of Wheat germ and 0.5 volume of Wheat with 10 volume of flakes. §â3.5%ªº¤p³ÁFªÞ©M5%ªº¤p³Á¯»¥[¤J½Õ¦nªº¤ì®h¤¤²V©M8Y (3) Add water only a little. ¥[¤@ÂI¤ô ¦U¤H«Øij¥[10%ªº¤ô §Y10¤½¤É¤ì®h¥[1¤½¤Éªº¤ô/ (4) Put them into the container, the mixed flakes will start the4 fermentation. ±N²V¦X¦nªº§÷®Æ¸m©ó®e¾¹¤¤¶}©lµo»Ã2R (5) The temperature will be up to 40 or more degrees for C.?&5(S ¤@¶}©l·Å«×·|°ª©óÄá¤ó40«×©Î§ó°ª ¦b³o¸ÌªÈ¥¿¤@¤U¤é¥»¤Í¤Hªº¤åªk:$ ³o¥yÀ³¸Ó¼g¦¨"The temperature will be raised up to 40 centigrade degree or more."*^o^*Z ©©øÂν׾ -- ©øÂν׾¡@¡@ ls*x (6) In the case of Dorcus curvidens, we could rear them in thisv condition (high temperature), but larvae of the Dorcus titanus died.s ¤é¤j¥i¥H¦b°ª·Å¹}¾i ¥i¬Oªü«ó·|±¾±¼4A So, after finishing the fermentation, you have to put larvae into#8 the nutrient rich flakes into separated bottles in each.}):n{ ªü«ón¤À¶}¤@°¦¤@°¦¾iW1 (7) The mechanisms of the fermentation in this process is unclear, but I0pkKP think the natural Yeast will function in the process and it may producev3Sv some kinds of amino acid or some organic materials.-;ml µo»Ãªº¾÷¨î¥Ø«eÁÙ¤£¬O«Ü²M·¡ ¦ý¤ÑµMªº»Ã¥Àµß·|¦Û¤v¶i¦æ³o¨Ç§@¥Î ²£¥Í¤@¨ÇÓi°ò»Ä©M1Gsr ¦³¾÷ª«½è0\:Q There are so many important things for rearing Dorcus titanus, but I can not say only in a word.oz%f2! I hope you are success for making flakes and for rearing large Dorcus%VvEja titanus sika.Y40 ¥L»¡¨ä¹êÁÙ¦³¤@¨ÇªF¦è¤£¬O¥Î¼gªº´N¥i¥HÁ¿±o«Ü²M·¡, §Æ±æ§Ú¯à¦¨¥\¦a¾i¥X_=lQ ¤jªºªü«ój >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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